Why Can’t We Just Whip These Motherfuckers With A Garden Hose?

I hope this is the kind of democracy we’re bringing to Iraq. No sense in bullshitting them about what they’ll eventually devolve into if they let freedom march on through their country.

Categories: Politics | 3 Comments

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3 thoughts on “Why Can’t We Just Whip These Motherfuckers With A Garden Hose?

  1. Tank

    Corruption? In Government!? We should be outraged!

    No, seriously. We should. Unfortunately the demagogues have a monopoly on political anger.

  2. Throw the summabitches out of office, say I. And I thought the days of registering the dead were long over!

  3. Flood

    Mark, do you need a hug?

    We should hook them up to some electric shock collars. Acting the psycho; Buzz. Acting the fool; buzz. Building a bridge to no where; buzz. Voting for some one else; buzz. Getting a horrible face lift; buzz.

    I see a solution.

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