Video Sunday

Well, I lied. There’s no link dump today. Instead of tagging interesting things I selfishly slept. To make up for the lack of the funny I offer two YouTube videos as a way to satiate you readers. I thought since I posted that Jim Carrey martial arts instructor video several link dumps back that I’d go with a martial arts theme.

First one: Rex Kwan Do from Napoleon Dynamite. It’s a sad fact that guys like Rex actually exist in the martial arts world. I’ve seen the whole “grab my arm”¦no my other arm”¦with your other arm” exchange take place.

The next one is from “Da Ali G Show.” For those of you who’ve never heard of “Da Ali G Show” the creator, Sacha Baron Cohen, plays three distinct and extremely absurd characters: Ali G the wannabe English gangster; Bruno the flamboyantly gay Austrian fashionista; Borat a Kazakhstan tourist. He manipulates his interviewee’s assumptions about the characters in such a way that he usually ends up revealing some funny stuff. In this clip Borat, a notorious anti-Semite and misogynist, interviews a Karate instructor. The Karate instructor heads a dojo in Waco and was renowned for selling belts instead of actually teaching. Watch Borat go to work:

Categories: Jackassery | 3 Comments

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3 thoughts on “Video Sunday

  1. Flood

    I don’t know if there is any more of the Borat clip, but it stops after 2:19

  2. Dammit. Reload it. It’s working fine on my end. I really wanted you to see that one, too. If it doesn’t work email me or call me and I’ll just burn you this episode.

  3. Flood

    I don’t know what the prob is, but I still get stuck at 2:19. I refreshed I’ve tried several different days, and I’ve gone to Youtube. I am starting to thin some one doesn’t want me to know how to avoid being raped by my wife.

    And just a pathetic aside: I can’t stand passmore’s voice. I wish he would take some steroids or hormones or something.

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