To Move Or Not To Move?

For the past few weeks I’ve been contemplating a move to a different hosting facility. Blogger allows users to post for free, but I don’t really like the fact that I don’t own my URL, and the “blogspot” looks unprofessional.  

The only downside for the reader would be that the URL would change and the page would look much different, because if I buy a domain name then I’m also redesigning the page. Also, all the old posts would remain here at blogspot, so if you wanted to look at an archived post you wouldn’t be able to do that at the new page, you’d have to come back here. On the pulse side, all the content on the page would be located on a central server; instead of being scattered all over the internet at whatever server I can find that will give me free web space, which in non-nerd lingo means the page will load a lot faster.

So, I’d like to hear some comments on this. Worth the hassle? Why worry about it?

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