I lied. You’ll have a link dump, but I’m still experiencing problems with my domain. You MUST type in www.hyperliterature.blogspot.com to get to this blog.
I’m a-workin’ on it.
I lied. You’ll have a link dump, but I’m still experiencing problems with my domain. You MUST type in www.hyperliterature.blogspot.com to get to this blog.
I’m a-workin’ on it.
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okay, is it just me, or, (after trying to get here all night) do you have to be able to go to http://www.hyperliterature.com in order to be told that link doesn’t work, go to the other link instead??
…loooking for the secret door……
Sorry. I’m working on it…
I hate admitting that I am a moron, but if you have read anything that I have posted on this site…
What does TARFU stand for?
SNAFU- Systems Normal All Fucked Up
TARFU- Things Are Really Fucked Up
FUBAR- Fucked Up Beyond All Repair/Recognition
Use them to indicate the severity of a problem, starting with SNAFU.
Kinda the same as ass-load, shit-load, and fuck-load to classify levels of quantity.
Try finding that in any textbook.