Selling Is Legal…

I had planned on writing a post about Deborah Jean Palfrey, the notorious, and slightly unfortunate-looking, “DC Madam.” For thirteen years Palfrey has ran a ‘ho delivery service an escort service that specialized in 275 dollar-an-hour massages. Palfrey claims she had somewhere near 10,000 to 15,000 customers in Washington D.C. from 2002 to 2006, and apparently some of the customers were, and still are, high-ranking governmental officials.

Last Friday, Randall Tobias, the head of the US Agency for International Development, resigned from his job, purportedly because he was a discount card customer of Ms. Palfrey’s. Not aware of Mr. Tobias? Here’s some background:

Tobias had also been President George W. Bush’s first global AIDS coordinator, a job where he drew criticism for his emphasis on faithfulness to partners and abstinence over condom use in trying to prevent the spread of the AIDS virus.

Ahh irony. It’s a delicious dish, no?

Anyway, I planned on writing about the blatant, and damn near cliched, hypocrisy of this whole thing. I was going to skewer the whole “do as I say, not as I do” mentality that seems to pervade our government, and more than likely I would have throw in a “Mission Accomplished” pun in there somewhere.

But I’m too tired for that jackassery, and in any case, I’m sure you already know what I was going to say.

So while I go back to grading the massive stacks of composition papers that my students would like to have back before the beginning of the 2007 fall semester, you can enjoy this short little bit from George Carlin about prostitution:

Categories: Jackassery, Politics | 9 Comments

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9 thoughts on “Selling Is Legal…

  1. Jordyn

    This is a very informative site.

  2. Flood

    Informative of what?

  3. I’m pretty sure that person is a spammer. The URL they left as their “homepage” starts redirecting and acting weird, so I deleted that from the comment. Notice, however, that I was so vain I couldn’t help but leave the comment “this is a very informative site,” despite the fact that I know it’s a fake comment.

  4. Flood

    Oh how Eden has fallen.

  5. (-_-“)

  6. (_._)

  7. Flood

    That about says it all.

  8. Flood

    So can we ban the smiley face thing?

  9. Sorry…

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