
I’ve been up most of the night watching the weather channel. It’s now 2:21 and I’m really tired of watching the television. I’m going out of my mind worrying about this hurricane. My wife’s family lives near Beaumont, and if this damn thing keeps moving north they’re going to get hit hard.

I’m glad that people are evacuating from Galveston and aren’t stubbornly refusing to leave. My wife was able to leave the island on Tuesday before the mass exodus. She was working at UTMB and I’m grateful they allowed her to come home. Hopefully, the city will be able to survive what looks to be a devastating storm. I had the opportunity to visit Leigh while she was working there, and I developed a fondness for the little island city. Ellie liked it too, especially the beach:

But lives are the important thing and not the beach, and hopefully every American in harms’ way will make it through this horrible storm unscathed.

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