A couple of days ago, my officemate, Karen, introduced me to a totally addictive web-game. It’s called “Free Rice,” and it’s basically a vocabulary game, but the kicker is that for every word you correctly identify the website will donate ten grains of rice to the United Nations to help world poverty. Ten grains ain’t a lot, but at least I get a sense of philanthropy while I’m screwing off.
So I’m in my office, kicking mucho ass on this game, and I come across this question:

First off, I’m completely flummoxed. As far as I know “skeet” is none of those things, so I don’t know which one to choose. Secondly, why the hell would a previously high-brow game suddenly start using words that ‘Lil Jon routinely employs?
So I chose randomly, and much to my chagrin I discovered that “skeet” does not mean what I thought it meant (be warned: the definition contained in that link is gross, misogynistic, and juvenile…now go ahead and click it).
Needless to say, the U.N. didn’t get that ten grains of rice, but I did learn something new. Win some, lose some.
Mark, Mark, Mark
heheh, I played it for a full day when I found it a few weeks ago