
One of the last words I’d use to describe myself would be “giddy.” But today, when I checked my mail, I did in fact feel giddy. I hopped up and down with gleeful jubilation. I even shrieked a little. No, it wasn’t because I got the current edition of Entertainment Weekly, which I did, but it was because my copy of A Magician Among the Spirits arrived today. In the 1920’s, after the death of his mother, Harry Houdini set out on a mission to debunk spiritualists, mediums, and other confidence artists who prey on the emotionally vulnerable and recently bereaved. In 1924, he published a book on his personal investigations into the world of Spiritualism.

Book Cover

Until the death of his mother, Houdini had occasionally worked as a medium and a psychic. He viewed the practice as nothing more than performance, as entertainment, and not as a way to seduce or rob the gullible or uneducated. In his introduction he says that after the death of his mother he saw the practice as “border[ing] on crime.” At the end of his introduction Houdini states:

I have spent a goodly part of my life in study and research. During the last thirty years I have read every single piece of literature on the subject of Spiritualism that I could. I have accumulated one of the largest libraries in the world on psychic phenomena, Spiritualism, magic, witchcraft, demonology, evil spirits, etc. some of the material going back as far as 1489, and I doubt if any one in the world has so complete a library on modern Spiritualism, but nothing I have ever read concerning the so-called Spiritualistic phenomena has impressed me as being genuine. It is true that some of the things I read seemed mystifying but I question if they would be were they to be reproduced under different circumstances, under test conditions, and before expert mystifiers and open minded committees. Mine has not been an investigation of a few days or weeks or months but one that has extended over thirty years and in that thirty years I have not found one incident that savoured of the genuine. If there had been any real unalloyed demonstration to work on, one that did not reek of fraud, one that could not be reproduced by earthly powers, then there would be something for a foundation, but up to the present time everything that I have investigated has been the result of deluded brains or those which were too actively and intensely willing to believe.

Obviously Houdini was a legendary magician, but as time goes on his role as a skeptic and a scientist begins to become more important than his role as an entertainer. He eschewed magical thinking, but he didn’t stifle the hope that the supernatural might exist. Houdini just wanted to make sure that in the search for the supernatural we didn’t forget scientific method, skepticism, and critical thinking.

We need more people like Harry Houdini.

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links for 2008-02-19

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The Nerd Vote

As the race for the presidency continues, the pundits keep slicing the American electorate into neat little groups so that it’s easy for them to reference large groups of people, which truthfully, irritates me more than a little bit. Just listen to the political talk shows and you’ll hear things like “the black vote” or “the latino vote.” Whenever I hear a pundit comment on group of people like that I always wonder why they never say “the white vote.” The fact that they don’t only illustrates the ridiculousness of the whole practice.

I’m sorta glad they don’t use “African-American” or “Asian-American” or “Latino-American.” I can’t stand the habit of hyphenating and combining “American” with whatever nation of origin the culture’s ancestors emigrated from. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind ancestral pride, but combining and hyphenating only illustrates to me that someone is valuing their nation of origin, which they may or may not have ever even seen, over the nation in which he or she holds an actual citizenship.

I suppose the only other answer is to address groups of people as “black” or “white.” But there again, “black” and “white” doesn’t really describe us. I’m not really white; I’m more of a reddish-tan. During the winter months I am, in fact, translucent, but that begins to change around mid-March. And Wesley Snipes notwithstanding, I’ve really never seen a black person. I’ve seen mocha and light brown, but never straight-out black. And even though white and black people aren’t really offended by the terms “black” and “white,” I’m pretty sure Asians and Latinos wouldn’t like to be categorized by a color.

Also, categorizing a whole group of people by color, or even by country of ancestry, makes it seem as if those people are of one mindset, which is a ridiculous proposition. Regardless of what political pundits seem to think, not all black people think alike. Neither do Asians. Or W.A.S.P.s. (Well, the Amish might, but I don’t actually know any of them to check.)

The only answer I can come up with is that everyone in the nation needs to take the same aptitude test. Our answers would get us grouped and cross-referenced into many different categories and sub-categories. That way we’d all know that the label that personally applies to us represents us accurately, instead of simply reducing us to a stereotype for easy reference.

Wouldn’t it be nice to hear a pundit say “Well, Senator Obama is polling well with comic book nerds, but at the same time he’s doing rather poorly with fantasy football dweebs”?

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Trouble Is Brewing

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Be Mine

be nmine

Ellie hopes everyone out there in bloggy-land has a happy Valentine’s Day.

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links for 2008-02-14

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I’m gonna use this post to get rid of some odds and ends that have been cluttering up my head (there’s not that much room up there to begin with).

First off, I’ve made some additions to the blogroll on the left sidebar, and I’ve also added some banners to the rotation. Those stupid banners take me an insane amount of time to make, mostly because I stink on ice at Photoshop, so you better like’em, dammit.

When I hear people pronounce “pecan” pee-can, I have to fight the urge to kick them right in the crotch. It’s puh-kahn. Any other pronunciation is wildly incorrect and deserving of ridicule and/or physical violence.

If you find yourself anywhere near Sisterdale, Texas, make sure you find time to stop off at “Sister Creek Vineyard.” Not only do they have the best damn Muscat Canelli I’ve ever tasted, the good folks behind the counter will make sure you have an unforgettable wine tasting.

I’ve probably watched the teaser trailer for “Hellboy II: The Golden Army” damn near twenty times. It looks like Mignola’s B.P.R.D. mythology combined with del Toro’s Spanish mythology with a little Elric of Melnibone thrown in for good measure. I can’t wait for July 11th.

Would Hillary Clinton please just do the right thing and concede? No? Fucking typical. And why do so many people fall for Huckabee’s stupid smile and folksy attitude? He’s a complete wing-nut and he gets a free pass? Unbelievable. Personally, I place all the blame for his success right on the heads of Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, and Conan O’Brien.


It constantly amazes me how generally apathetic my students feel about the presidential race. Any time I try to begin a conversation about the race or the candidates, most of my students not only know jack shit about what’s going on, they almost seem proud of the fact. I have to constantly try to remember what I was concerned about at eighteen. I’m also constantly amazed at how many seemingly intelligent adults simply let media outlets and email forwards determine how they feel about the candidates. Obama is neither a terrorist sleeper-agent nor a Muslim, and McCain doesn’t want to become a democrat. I just can’t believe that in the internet age, when anyone with a computer and an internet connection can fact-check all day long, that people are still conned by absolute bullshit.

Truth and repose, people. Truth and repose.

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links for 2008-02-08

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Pay Attention, Dammit

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I Couldn’t Have Said It Better Myself

Professor Lessig, please explain why Obama represents a much more intelligent, and hopeful, candidate for the Democratic party:

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