Obligatory John Mark Karr Post

I don’t know if you saw this today, but John Mark Karr will not be prosecuted in the death of Jon Benet Ramsey.

karrOh, how sad. I so did not see this coming. I guess the moral of this story is that if you find yourself penniless in Thailand after paying loads of cash to sexually molest young girls, you can still find a comfortable way back home, regardless of your depleted finances. Simply phone up the DA in Colorado and confess to the Ramsey killing. She’ll send Homeland Security to escort you home in style. Shit, they’ll even serve you champagne and king-sized prawns.

I’m sure the media outlets are disappointed by this turn of events. Just think, had Karr actually been guilty, and not just bat-shit insane, they would have had weeks of story material that neither required them to think nor investigate. Now they have to go back to parroting sound bytes supplied to them by the GOP and the DNC.


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3 thoughts on “Obligatory John Mark Karr Post

  1. Flood

    actually I thought that he had just started a teaching job in Thailand

  2. Flood

    I don’t know if you heard his tape from when he turned himself in, but he should be castrated completely and hooked up with a cathiter for pissing, or he can piss like a girl. Maybe cut off his hands and feet like the dual in “The princess bride”

  3. TO THE PAIN!!!

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