O Captain, My Captain

me at workI’ve kinda been sitting on this, just in case something fell through, but I got conformation today so I feel comfortable in sharing.

UTSA hired me to teach four freshmen composition classes in the fall. The semester begins at the end of August, so by that time I should have a full-time job. Truthfully, I’m simultaneously excited and scared piss-less (no, I will not allow my students to use that term in their papers”¦they can get their own damn blog).

I just accessed the university web page to see my name at the top of four class listings. Pretty exhilarating stuff. I would appreciate it if all of you would light a candle for me in hopes that I don’t lose my cool with some earring perforated emo punk or a vacuous girly-girl. I would so hate to get fired my first semester for kicking someone in the throat.

If anyone’s interested I plan on using the Conan-method in conducting my classes. I was very impressed how well it worked for the librarians. I can’t wait for my first, “I’m sorry, sir”¦this paper’s a little overdue.”

Categories: Teaching | 3 Comments

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3 thoughts on “O Captain, My Captain

  1. ROCK! You go, Teach!

  2. Gay

    So happy for you! Congratulations!!

  3. Chris

    Will you be requiring the ever popular title of “Sir”, or just the more practical “Master of Literature”? As in, “Oh Master, will you please accept my late paper with minimal throat-kicking just this once?”

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