For just an instant you can see the name “Hindenburg” printed on the side, and then the fire ball engulfs the whole zepplin sending it smashing into the ground.
I’m so glad that the best and the brightest are running the country. I sleep soundly at night knowing that I have such intelligent people looking out for my welfare.
It looks like Bush isn’t the only person capable of making smart-ass comments at press conferences. Here’s a video of the event.
Someone needs to teach mugger number one how to tie a bandanna. And someone also should explain to him that mugging people with a Swiss Army Knife only works with twelve year old Japanese girls who sing songs about self-defense.
“People understand that athletes need a little assistance in the writing department, so it’s no big deal when they use co-authors. But as a writer, I wonder why I can’t try out for the NFL using a co-athlete.”
links for 2006-07-15
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