After perusing through the archives on the site, I began to notice a rather disturbing trend.
I complain an awful lot.
Granted, there are a lot of problems in our society, but the blog makes me sound rather…well, bitchy, for lack of a better term. It’s hard for me to ignore things like Senator Craig’s non-gayness, the unforgivable Britney Spears performance at the VMA’s, Alberto Gonzales’ convenient memory-loss, and the reunion of Van Halen (’cause I know they’re just gonna break up again in three weeks, I just KNOW it).
So tonight I thought I’d publish a list of random things that make me happy.
1. Chili-cheese fries. (Okay, I’m starting out slow.)
2. The Petraeus report–comedy is fun.
3. Making up stories about the people I see in the other cars waiting at the traffic light with me. (Most of my stories end with their deaths…yeah, I realize this one isn’t nice, but it does make me happy, so there you go.)
4. Singing old school rap songs in my head when I’m supposed to be paying attention to other people talking. “The first amendment gave us freedom of speech./So what you sayin? It didn’t include me? I like to party and have a good time./There’s nothin’ but pleasure written in our rhyme.”
5. The corporate greed that causes stores to start putting holiday decorations on the shelves nearly three months before the holiday actually occurs. Normally this would fall under things that irritate me, but I make an exception for Halloween. I get a big old smile on my face every time I realize there’s a holiday that not only allows, but encourages, me to dress like this:

You know what? Nice and happy is really boring, and besides, if you wanted happy you sure as hell wouldn’t be on this blog. Tomorrow I’ll be vitriolic and hateful, I promise.
We’re too live, too black, too strong/doing the right thing and not the wrong.
Sorry, what were you saying?
1. Is just another lame ass attempt by some pampered pretty boy to seem like one of the peeps. And excellent cheese fries need’s Idaho brand chili.
2. So whaddidya do with the move on contrabution?
3. So what was that guy’s name at VaTech?
4. So one of my co-workers was outraged that someone would put out a campaign sign for a local politician running for mayor of Memphis (not the town that she lives in). She were so perturbed that she decided to go an rip the offending sign out of her neighbor’s yard. Unfortunately some one beat her to it. So much for that sacred first admendment. (Yeah I know you’re hearing “Funky Cold Medea”).
5. So like releasing Halloween in August? And sorry, but that is closer to your regular dress than the populist man of the people bullshit. That’s right you gothic freak.
ANd just balance things out, tomorrow I will be sweet and nice and insightful as always.
I am not a gothic freak. I mean, I rarely, rarely wear the black trench coat anymore. And I only listen to STP’s “Big Empty” every other day.
Listen, be proud to be you. Only you can be you as good as you do. So be true to you and don’t sound so blue, because I am sure that there are people out there who admire your you.