I’ll Buy You A Parakeet; Or, Big Girls Have Big Appetites

As I’ve said time and time and time and time and time again: I do love me some celebrity bad news. There’s just something about the downfall of a narcissistic asshole that puts a big old smile on my face.

Take this video from the Letterman show. Dave is making fun of Paris Hilton to her face! And it seems like she actually understands that he’s making fun of her, which in my mind is the most amazing thing about the video:

Here’s a fun game–rewatch the video, and count how many times Paris’ foot bobs up and down in unadulterated rage at Dave’s insulting, but absolutely hilarious, questions.

I love when Dave gets old-school and refuses to kiss the ass of some self-important celebretard.

Makes me want to watch Dave’s award-winning role in the groundbreaking film “Cabin Boy.”

Categories: Jackassery | 5 Comments

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5 thoughts on “I’ll Buy You A Parakeet; Or, Big Girls Have Big Appetites

  1. Chris

    dammit. Took ’em one day to delete this one. My fault, I should have checked more often…..

    Stupid You Tube. Deleted my favorite Puscifer video too.

  2. Dammit. Now it looks like I’ll have to vote for Huckabee.

  3. Flood

    september 26, 2007 is the date

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