Since I’m completely swamped with student papers, I thought the only sensible thing to do would be to start up the reading group again. Nothing like willingly putting bricks in your pocket when you’re already treading water.
Unless anyone has any objections I’d like to read Philip Roth’s Portnoy’s Complaint.

Most critics recognize Roth as one of the greatest Jewish-American writers of the last century, and “Portnoy’s Complaint” as one of the seminal Jewish-American novels of our time. Although, I do feel as if I should warn you–while Roth can be subversively funny, he can also be, um, well, sometimes he’s pretty damn dirty. So if you’re at all squeamish about scatological or sexual humor, then you might want to skip this round of the reading group.
Depending when everyone gets their book, we’ll probably start reading next week.
Translation: I’m tired of people (and by people I mean Tank) harassing me about the next reading group assignment.
I tried reading this book when I was eighteen. I remember sitting in the laundromat and blushing. I was sure everyone would know what I was reading. So I threw the book away in the laundry trash can. I’m a little bit more grown up now, but who knows?
As a former member of your reading group I’m sorry to tell you that this is absolutely not my type of choice.
Perhaps, next time.
I’m going to have to skip one — I’ve got several books to review for publishers, backlogged. Next one I’m in!
I will read this book, but only if it has pictures and no words!