George Carlin 1937-2008

George Carlin “passed away” on Sunday. I spent most of yesterday listening to his CDs, laughing through my tears.

There’s no way I’ll ever be able to describe the impact George had on me, so I won’t even try. I’ll just say that this whole blog, nearly the entire damn thing, is my pale imitation of George.

Here’s Seinfeld’s NYT Op-Ed about George.

And I would literally crash my server if I attempted to post my “favorite” George bits (give me a call and I’ll just recite them from memory). So, I’ll just post the beginning of his special “Back in Town.” This isn’t George at his most offensive, but it’s close. The odd thing about George was that even when he was offending you, he usually made you think, “Dammit. That kinda made sense.” Also, this special has the best beginning line I’ve ever heard.

Categories: Blogging | 1 Comment

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One thought on “George Carlin 1937-2008

  1. Leigh

    “Shit. Piss. Fuck. Cunt. Cocksucker. Mother fucker. And Tits.” The world already seems less funny…

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