Fire, Fire, Burning Bright

Sorry for the downtime. The stooges at Dreamhost tell me that one of their generators caught fire, which as you can imagine, seriously compromised the stability of Hyperliterature.

They’re telling me everything should work properly now. I guess we’ll see.

I had a really good link dump for today too. I’ll see if I can get it to repost.

Categories: Blogging | 3 Comments

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3 thoughts on “Fire, Fire, Burning Bright

  1. Heh, I take it you meant it when you said you’d start every post with a poetical quotation. Betcha Blake had no clue his Tyger would be used for a burning computer someday 😛

  2. I kinda meant it. It would be neat to title every post like that, but for those nights when I’m tired it becomes a drudge. Like tonight. I had to resort to the man from nantucket. No invocation of the muse required for that little ditty.

  3. Aww, but I’m sure the Man from Nantucket appreciated the little nod in his direction. I mean, how much blog-time does he really ever get?

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