Okay, let’s all take a deep breath, exhale real slow, and realize that perhaps now is not the best time to rationally discuss such issues as gun control, violence in the media, and the influence of video games on teenagers. The nation is still in shock over the atrocity of the Virginia Tech shootings. Sadly, […]
The Organization of Islamic Progress Is Scared Of Words
“But if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought.” –George Orwell “Politics and the English Language,” 1946. If you read the link I assigned for homework you no doubt saw that on March 30th, the Organization of Islamic Progress pushed for, and passed, a resolution through the United Nation’s Human Rights Commission, which urges […]
Bill Donahue, Chocolate Jesus, and Eddie Izzard
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, I’m sure that by this point you’ve heard about “Chocolate Jesus.” And yes, “Chocolate Jesus” is different than “Muddy Jesus.” This is “Muddy Jesus”: And this is “Chocolate Jesus.” Artist Cosmo Cavallaro sculpted a crucified Jesus Christ out of 200 pounds of delicious milk chocolate, and the Lab […]
Buy John Kerry’s iPod
From the Information Policy Action Committee’s ebay description page: Well, the one he was supposed to get, anyway. In 2006, the Information Policy Action Committee (IPac) launched a campaign to educate lawmakers — the people who make rules about the Internet and think it’s made from a “series of tubes” — about technology and copyright. […]
Commies Are Everywhere
David Horowitz, a former Marxist turned neo-con political activist, has made a personal mission of revealing the “leftist” political leanings of college professors and their nefarious attempts to indoctrinate their students. I posted a link to this article, “The Two Universities of Texas,” that Mr. Horowitz had written for The Daily Texan. This is how […]
Cable News: Grub Street For The 21st Century
Get ready for another “I hate the media” post. First, let’s start off by taking a little looky-loo at this video: Powerful stuff, huh? If you haven’t seen that before, then I’ll explain. That commercial aired in 1984, during the Superbowl, and it introduced the world to the brand new Macintosh computer. Yep, that was […]
McCain’s a Dumbass
For the most part, I’m a fairly tolerant guy. It doesn’t bother me if you believe something kooky, or downright stupid, just as long as you do so with conviction and your belief doesn’t infringe on any of my rights. You believe that you saw Jesus’ head in the mildew around your bathtub? Fine. You […]
Lightning Rod
I have very little patience for folks that are quick to panic, so you imagine how much I hate watching any kind of news show. They’re all about sensationalism and scaring the crap out of viewers. Makes me sick. Anyway, I thought my readers might like a little perspective on some mortality odds. For instance, […]
We Don’t Need No Thought Control
According to this New York Times article, the Chinese internet company Tencent has become the largest and most dominant internet company in China. The article describes Tencent as an amalgamation between YouTube and Google, and its instant messaging program, “QQ” is used by over 100 million users, which is roughly 80 percent of the Chinese […]
Study Up
I find this article very, very interesting. Study up, we’ll discuss it tonight.