Aristocratic A-Holes
A couple of days ago, my friend Flood and I were discussing politics, as we are wont to do, and the conversation gravitated towards image. Having grown up on a farm in the boonies I find it funny that the president claims to like to build fences and clear brush on his Crawford ranch while […]
Head Asplodes
Before you watch this clip I want you to go get a leather belt. Got it? Okay, double it over a couple of times so it’s about an inch thick. Done? Now, bite down on it as hard as you can. It should be safe to watch the video now. Aren’t you glad you had […]
Breaking Not-News
On Wednesday the White House revealed that last year doctors treated President Bush for Lyme’s disease. Lyme’s disease is a tick-borne bacterial infection that causes a target shaped rash and a fever, and if left untreated can also cause fatigue, muscle pains, short term memory loss and other neurological disorders. After the President noticed a […]
Liberty or Safety? Lightning or Terrorists?
I’m a terrible gambler. When we visit Las Vegas I usually stand idly by, nursing a drink, while others throw caution to the wind and actually gamble. I’m the only person I know that can put a twenty dollar bill in a slot machine and run through the entire twenty without hitting one credit. Yes, […]
Chaucerian Frauds
Watching Christopher Hitchens eulogize Jerry Falwell is like watching Godzilla sightsee in Tokyo.
No More YouTube In Iraq
Good ‘ole Uncle Sam finally got around to monitoring the internets over there in the Middle East. The military is no longer allowing soldiers to post whatever they want on the net, and according to the AP piece that’s been circling around the past few days, the soldiers are no longer allowed to access these […]
Selling Is Legal…
I had planned on writing a post about Deborah Jean Palfrey, the notorious, and slightly unfortunate-looking, “DC Madam.” For thirteen years Palfrey has ran a ‘ho delivery service an escort service that specialized in 275 dollar-an-hour massages. Palfrey claims she had somewhere near 10,000 to 15,000 customers in Washington D.C. from 2002 to 2006, and […]
I Want To Disbelieve
In the August 11th, 2006 edition of Science magazine, a team of scientists led by John D. Miller published their findings of a study designed to investigate Americans’ rejection of the theory of evolution. According to a recent study, only fourteen percent of Americans, or a third of all United States citizens, believes the theory […]
Sing-Along With John McCain
Is this John McCain’s Goldwater moment? No, that’s just silly of me. Goldwater actually had a chance at the presidency before he blew it.