
Wildflowers and Shame

I have conflicted feelings about television commercials. For the most part they’re annoying pains in the ass. They assume that viewers are gullible retards, they make exaggerated claims, but most of all they’re horribly corny and derivative. BUT, when they’re well-done I don’t mind the interruption into my enjoyment of reruns of “Beavis and Butt-head.” […]

Categories: Movies, T.V. | 2 Comments

Primeval PSA

Have you seen the trailer for the new movie “Primeval”? No? Well, here, take a look before we go any further: “World’s most prolific serial killer,” isn’t that what the trailer just said? Well, the “serial killer” is a giant, pissed-off crocodile, that can jump on top of things like a raptor, and who screams […]

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Movie Trailer Roundup

I love watching movies, but I think I almost enjoy watching movie trailers as much as the actual movies. Trailers are full of potentiality. They’re like a first date in that way. The trailer goes by rather quickly, it’s a carefully manipulated and meticulously crafted peek at a larger product, and its purpose is to […]

Categories: Movies | 4 Comments

Jack In

Yesterday I watched the video “In Its Image,” and afterward I realized how very similar human beings are as compared to a computer without a hard drive. Essentially, a computer without a hard drive must rely on its Random Access Memory (R.A.M.) and its Central Processing Unit (C.P.U.) to receive, compute, and store data. The […]

Categories: Blogging, Movies | 1 Comment

This Generation’s Blog

I was lying on the couch tonight watching TV, as I am wont to do, and an advertisement for the newly released on DVD “Accepted” came on. It proclaimed the movie to be “this generation’s ”˜Animal House’.” First off, there’s only been one “Animal House” and that’s all there ever will be. “Sorority Boys” is […]

Categories: Movies, T.V. | 5 Comments

Mel Gibson’s Anti-Semitic Fun

Boy, oh boy, are people upset with Mel Gibson. It seems that last Friday night Mel got pretty tanked at a party, and on the way home Johnny Law pulled him over. Well, Mel didn’t take kindly to being detained from his drunk-driving fun, and he let his anger be known by blaming the Jews […]

Categories: Jackassery, Movies | 4 Comments

Clerks II Review

We saw Clerks II last night, and I really enjoyed the movie. Clerks II clocks in at number six in Kevin Smith’s so-called “Jersey Trilogy,” but don’t worry, you don’t need to have seen any of the other movies to enjoy it”¦but it would certainly help. In 1994 Kevin Smith, then a film school drop-out, […]

Categories: Movies | 2 Comments

Because I Could Not Stop For Death, He Kindly Stopped For Me…

Last night while flipping through channels I stumbled upon “Crow: City of Angels.” After I realized it wasn’t the original, but before I flipped over to the Food Network, I was reminded of the disappointment I originally felt upon seeing it in the theater in 1996. What a complete waste of celluloid. In spite of […]

Categories: Comics, Movies | 6 Comments

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