
Administrative Announcements….and HARRY FREAKIN’ POTTER!

First things first: I’m postponing our reading of Oryx and Crake. I’ve been out of town and away from a computer, and one of our members hasn’t received the book yet, so we’ll begin on the 27th. That gives you time to try and convince at least two or three more people to join the […]

Categories: Blogging, Jackassery, Reading Group | 17 Comments

Fightin’ Cousins

I’m sure we all have our favorite places on the internet that we visit when we need to kill some time. If I’m bored I tend to go back and forth between Fark, Digg, and Reddit to peruse the stories, always with a watchful eye out for things that might be interesting to discuss here. […]

Categories: Blogging | 2 Comments


We’ve pretty much finished moving, aside from some random stuff at our old apartment that I’m currently procrastinating in packing. Time Warner just got our internets working today, so bloggery should resume with its moronic regularity. I do apologize for the downtime. I know you’ve missed me, and I sure missed you all. We’ll have […]

Categories: Blogging, Reading Group | 1 Comment


We closed on our first house on Wednesday, and we started moving our stuff into it today, so don’t expect too much bloggery for the next day or so. I took the precaution of not hiring a moving crew; I know it’s not Mardi Gras time, but you can never be too careful.* *Plus one […]

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Memorial Day

DULCE ET DECORUM EST1 Bent double, like old beggars under sacks, Knock-kneed, coughing like hags, we cursed through sludge, Till on the haunting flares we turned our backs And towards our distant rest began to trudge. Men marched asleep. Many had lost their boots But limped on, blood-shod. All went lame; all blind; Drunk with […]

Categories: Blogging | 2 Comments

Now That’s Entertainment!

I need to watch The View more often. Hasselbeck’s probably pretty quick, and I’m sure she can stick and move pretty well, but I bet Rosie would take her down.

Categories: Blogging, T.V. | 1 Comment

Reading List

I’ve chosen seven books as candidates for our upcoming reading group. There wasn’t any particular criteria I used in selecting these candidates, but I did intentionally stay within the latter half of the twentieth century for two particular reasons: 1) For our first book I want a text that is more fun than challenging. 2) […]

Categories: Blogging, Literature | 9 Comments


I’ll have the reading list ready by Monday night. In the meantime, pour yourself a cold one and take it easy.

Categories: Blogging | 1 Comment

Reading Proposal

One of the things that I miss most about taking literature classes is the chance to enter into a dialogue with fellow readers about great literature. Most people think of reading as an isolated endeavour; a hunched and pathetic figure poring over a novel alone in a poorly lit room, but nothing could be further […]

Categories: Blogging, Literature | 10 Comments

Chaucerian Frauds

Watching Christopher Hitchens eulogize Jerry Falwell is like watching Godzilla sightsee in Tokyo.

Categories: Blogging, Politics, T.V. | 5 Comments

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