I Kinda Figured As Much
My Liberal Identity: You are a Reality-Based Intellectualist, also known as the liberal elite. You are a proud member of what’s known as the reality-based community, where science, reason, and non-Jesus-based thought reign supreme. Take the quiz at
Aristocratic A-Holes
A couple of days ago, my friend Flood and I were discussing politics, as we are wont to do, and the conversation gravitated towards image. Having grown up on a farm in the boonies I find it funny that the president claims to like to build fences and clear brush on his Crawford ranch while […]
Back On Track
Let me ask you a question–what happens when you return from work after a three month hiatus and find yourself overwhelmed with obligations? That’s right, your mind turns to doo-doo and you quit blogging! Regular blog post tonight. Expect broad generalizations, baseless assertions, disgusting rhetoric, atrociously bad language, and an in-depth analysis of the impact […]
I’m Not Gay…But I’d Still Like To See Your…Wait, Are Those Handcuffs?
Tonight we’ll be talking about what it means to be gay, or, more specifically, what it means to be decidedly not-gay, especially if you’re in the U.S. Senate.** I know what intellectuals like Kinsey have to say on the subject of homosexuality, and while tonight’s post may very well include academic insights on the subject, […]
Everyone, please say hello to South Carolina’s Ms. Fail 2007:
Dogs and Cats, Living Together…
Good gracious. It’s been a weird news morning. First, I see everywhere that Speedy resigned. Hasta la vista, puto! Then I read that Owen Wilson has been hospitalized for a botched suicide attempt. Ugh. Hopefully Speedy will remember he resigned tomorrow. I also hope that Wilson receives the help he needs. Unlike Lohan, whom I […]
Much to the dismay of everyone in San Antonio, Tropical Storm Erin moved out of the Gulf of Mexico today and proceeded to sit directly on top of us and rain down enough water to make me start rereading Genesis for survival tips. I still haven’t figured out what the hell a cubit is. Anywho. […]
One Shall Stand (that’s me)…
I AM70%OPTIMUS PRIMETake the Transformers Quiz
Update & Oryx and Crake on Friday
An explanation for my absence may be in order. After “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was released, I resolved to read the entire series straight through before beginning the seventh, and final book in the series. So last week I started “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone,” and I began a concerted effort to […]
A Week Of Jackassery
In an effort to avoid all Harry Potter spoilers I’m going to eschew all my normal internet haunts this week. Unfortunately for my readers, that pretty much means I won’t be current on anything at all. So instead of simply not writing anything until I read the stupid book all posts from here on out […]