Who I Am?
Normally before I go to sleep I lie in bed and read for a while (Right now I’m on Sagan’s “Demon-Haunted World“). If I’m not careful, I’ll read for several hours before I realize it, so I’ll usually force myself to put the book down so I’m not all red-eyed during my first class. Sometimes […]
Leaving On A Jet Plane
Tomorrow morning at 7:45, Leigh and I fly out of DFW airport to Sin City itself, Las Vegas. The casino we’re staying at has a Krispy Kreme in-house. Since they have free wifi I plan on posting the entire trip. Stay tuned, because what happens in Vegas, will in fact NOT stay in Vegas.
I Aten’t Dead
Yes, I know there has been a dearth of posts lately. The end of the semester has turned by brain into a big wobbly mass of oatmeal. I turn in my final grades at the end of the week, so hopefully my brain will return to normal after that. Until then, here’s a story that’s […]
Remember, remember the Fifth of November, The Gunpowder Treason and Plot, I know of no reason Why Gunpowder Treason Should ever be forgot. Guy Fawkes, Guy Fawkes, t’was his intent To blow up King and Parliament. Three-score barrels of powder below To prove old England’s overthrow; By God’s providence he was catch’d With a dark […]
Happy Halloween
As soon as the Halloween madness stops, blog posts will resume. Until then, Ellie wants all your Halloween candyz.
Dark Obsession: Or How Life Keeps Tearing Down The Beliefs Of My Youth
In 1969, a twenty-eight year old Bobby Sessions met a young woman named Linda Brotherton. They had both just come out of rocky marriages, and Linda quickly fell in love with Bobby, who was flirtatious and brass–everything that her former husband hadn’t been. Linda’s previous marriage had been violent, and she was happy to be […]
Some House Cleaning
I’m not quite done with the post on Dark Obsession. My apologies. I’ve been busy, and frankly, this one’s been hard to write. Hopefully it’ll be up tomorrow. In other news, several outlets have reported that in Vincente Fox’s new autobiography, Revolution of Hope, the former presidente claims that President Bush was, “The cockiest guy […]