My goodness, I do feel loved today.
My faith in the blogosphere has suddenly been renewed, because today I discovered that another blogger linked me. And not to totally bash the hell out of me either, thank you very much.
To return the favor I shall happily link to “Mischievous Muse” authored by Anniia. Go and have a look.
Ironically, Anniaa discusses and references literature more than a certain blog with “literature” in the very title. Odd indeed.
Dear Mark,
How sweet and kind you are! My first link
Thank you very much, you made my week. I spent a lot of fun and thought-provoking time at HyperLiterature, and I will be back often. I think your Emerson quote is a propos – I’m gonna steal it from you for a future post (but I’ll mention that I ran into it here). Great work and ‘Hi, my first neighbor’ 
P.S. Love the crown, it’s a good look.