Ellie says to tell everyone Happy Valentine’s Day. She also says that her heart is yours for the taking, provided you have some really yummy treats.
Ellie says to tell everyone Happy Valentine’s Day. She also says that her heart is yours for the taking, provided you have some really yummy treats.
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Happy Valentine’s Day Ellie (and your mom and dad too). Wilbur saw your picture, and said there’s a handsome blonde in Pennsylvania, who would love to some day meet you for walks, conversation, and yummy treats.
I won’t tell you what Joe said.
Well, you can tell Wilbur that Ellie loves walks, although she’s a little anti-social, but she can be courted by a little ear-nibbling.
And Joe frightens Ellie. His insane running, constant pooping, and slobbery jowls are imposing. Although Ellie does admire his no-fear qualities. She wishes she could leap down hills with such wild abandon.
but her heart belongs to anubis…no matter how silly he is
Once you go joe, you will never go back!