Back On Track?

Book Cover

Well, the twenty-seventh is here. How do we feel about starting up the reading group again? I know a couple of our participants have either started or have already finished the book, but I’d like to hear where everyone is at so we’re all on the same page, so to speak.

Let me know in the comments and I’ll either assign a reading schedule, or we’ll start discussing the book.

And thanks to everyone for staying with me through the postponement, and special thanks to everyone that did some extra advertising for me.

Categories: Reading Group | 10 Comments

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10 thoughts on “Back On Track?

  1. I’m on page 100.

  2. Tank

    Finished. In fact, finished another book since 🙂

  3. I’m about 1/2 way through.

  4. Flood

    I’m ready for whatever. Without the pictures I would have been lost.

  5. some days later, I’m on page 132.
    I’m ready for a first discussion.

  6. Hello! Is it too late to join in? I’m a lurker on Anniina’s blog and only just noticed this today – haven’t even opened my copy of ‘Oryx and Crake’ yet…

  7. Not too late, hi Leena! We haven’t started discussing anything yet – and we’ll do first impressions first before deeper discussion so you can still catch up.

  8. Mark, you’re freaking me out! Are you alive??? Even when you were on the other side of the PLANET you didn’t not blog for a week *stagger*

  9. Nope. Not too late, and I’ll post an update tonight.

    And I’m okay…well, no more messed up than normally anyway. 😳

  10. Thanks, Anniina and Mark! I’m on page 150 now, so I think I can venture in the discussion without fear of spoilers…

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