Author Archives: Hypermark
Homegrown Revival’s Axis & Oysters Dinner–You Shoulda Been There
May 16th represented the penultimate Homegrown Revival dinner for this year. I’ve written about Homegrown Revival in the past, so I won’t retread old ground concerning art and food. I’ll just say this: The good folks from Homegrown Revival have created a wonderful community that revolves around local, sustainable foods. We need this type of […]
Temet Nosce- Part Two (when shit gets real)
When I turned ten, I remember thinking that I should go back in time and visit the other me that was turning five. I remembered how cool it was when it had happened the first time. So I did, and when I got back, I was waiting for me. To be precise, the fifteen year […]
Temet Nosce- Part One
Two weeks ago, on my twenty-fifth birthday, I went back in time and visited myself on my twentieth birthday. I’ve been visiting myself on my birthday in five year intervals since I turned five. That’s when this whole thing started. Fifth birthday. The meetings of self, I call’em. But as experience has taught me, there […]
Three Bad Brothers You Know So Well
I’ve always heard that people remember where they were and what they were doing when something important happens to them. The first time I heard The Beastie Boys’ album “Licensed to Ill,” I was arguing with a guy over five dollars. I had loaned a classmate (oddly enough, I don’t actually remember who) a fiver […]
The Wolf Spider Comes to Austin
Prologue: This post was intended to appear at the Fusebox Blog, but since I was late getting in written, it got lost in the shuffle. Enjoy. Imagine you live in the Apulia region of Italy during the 1600s. Your small village rests next to the Gulf of Taranto, which is situated at the bottom […]
Digestible Feats’ “Sweet Betrayal”
This is the blog post I wrote after having attended Disgestible Feats’s “Sweet Betrayal.” I wanted to post it here rather than on the Fusebox blog because I felt like I needed a brief prologue. This event was really spectacular, and it spoke to me deeply and on an intimate level. What most impressed me […]
Fowl Artistry
As a bit of a warm-up for the awesomeness that is The Fusebox Festival, my wife and I attended Homegrown Revival’s East Side Duck and Spring Chicken dinner on the 18th of April. If The Homegrown Revival has somehow slipped under your culinary radar, you should a) recalibrate your radar; b) visit their website and […]
Dissonance–A Short Story
Bobby watched the bugs smash against his windshield one after the other, and each “KUSPLUTCH” they made as they exploded on his windshield was more satisfying than the last. He liked the way they sounded crunchy and liquidy all at the same time. Like his momma eating Frosted Flakes. He waited until he could barely […]
You Know Your Shoelace is Untied?
This whole “Ground Zero” mosque is driving me mental. I really try to keep an open mind about political arguments, but it’s getting harder and harder for me to even tolerate the GOP. They have a considerable portion of our population convinced that the proposed mosque in NYC will be a towering edifice where young, […]
Country Mouse and Town Mouse
I’m about three-quarters of the way through Joseph J. Ellis’s Pulitzer Prize-winning book Founding Brothers, and it occurred to me this morning that the political and ideological divide between John Adams and Thomas Jefferson is one that, as a country, we’re still struggling to overcome. For those of you that may have forgotten your American […]