Author Archives: Hypermark
Posts may be few and far between this week. My grandmother passed away last Wednesday, and I’m just not in the mood. I started to write a little something here in her memory, but I just can’t. If you’re interested, here’s the eulogy I read at her funeral. A special thanks goes out to Leigh […]
George Carlin 1937-2008
George Carlin “passed away” on Sunday. I spent most of yesterday listening to his CDs, laughing through my tears. There’s no way I’ll ever be able to describe the impact George had on me, so I won’t even try. I’ll just say that this whole blog, nearly the entire damn thing, is my pale imitation […]
links for 2008-06-20
MyFox Washington DC | Police: Crack Found in Man’s Buttocks Well, duh.
Metallica, You Should Disappear
1999 was a good year for music, and I probably bought more CDs in 1999 and 2000 than at any other time in my life. Part of the reason for my excitement in music stemmed from my age and where I was at that time in my life, but the other, probably larger, reason came […]
links for 2008-06-19
How To Make An Invisible Mask (Safety & Survival: Urban Survival) Call me a nerd all you want, but I already knew this. Unless a camera has an infared filter, the infared illuminators will completely jackup any video. Also, if you want to make a UFO video, get a laserpointer. On video the “dot” looks […]
links for 2008-06-17
YouTube – Snoop Dogg – My Medicine Official Video WTF? Snoop and Willie Nelson in a duet? My heading is reeling.
One-Trick Ponies
Today while reading the comments in a forum about the “Transformers” sequel, I ran across one poster who seemed to think that the mere fact that Megan Fox would appear in the new movie justified actually paying for, and sitting through, another Micheal Bay atrocity. This guy wasn’t alone, either. There were many other posters […]
Good Judgments
“I don’t have kids, but if I did I’d never allow them to….” “I seriously can’t believe Bush is President. I mean, I don’t vote, but he’s the absolute worst…” “You see that lady? Yeah, her. She’s got a dog, and it’s the most ill-behaved creature I’ve ever seen. Well, I don’t have dogs, but […]