Author Archives: Mark A.


links for 2006-02-07 You Stay Classy Iraq Ron Burgandy sends his regards.

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Big Brother

Tonight when I sat down to write I was all set to publish a scathing post about the wiretapping scandal which looms over the Bush administration like a buzzard circling over roadkill, when a Google search halted me in my already cynical tracks. I use Google image search to find images related to my posts, […]

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Mark A.: Character

While noodling with the template for the blog this afternoon (don’t ask how it’s going) I noticed my post statistic in my Blogger dashboard: Not counting this one, I’ve posted 424 times since November 2004 when I first began this blog. Oh how it’s changed. I’m not masochistic enough to link to my first post, […]

Categories: Texaspecific | 1 Comment


links for 2006-02-06 The Colbert Nation “I must confess that I’ve never trusted the Web…Where does it live? How do you hold it personally responsible? Can you put a distributed network of fiber-optic cable “on notice”? And is it male or female? In other words, can I challenge it to a fight?” Bibleman In the […]

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Well, it looks like my new banner of self-aggrandizement is finally operational. The rest will have to wait. Sleep is threatening to overtake me.

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Ugggh. I had such high hopes for the blog tonight. I’ve worked for hours and hours on a new template design for the blog and things just aren’t working out. HTML hates me and I hate HTML. We have a relationship based on mutuality. I’ve sat in front of this damn computer so long my […]

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links for 2006-02-05 VaderCoaster Well, the name kinda says it all. Al Lewis, Beloved as ‘Grandpa Munster,’ Dies at 95 Sad.

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links for 2006-02-04 Brokeback to the Future — recut movie trailer du jour I saw this last week but I thought the whole trailer thing was played out so I didn’t post it. I think this one’s a bit of a stretch. For me the whole oedipal subtext outweighs the hoyay one in the Back […]

Categories: Texaspecific | Leave a comment

Meeting Terry Moore At Austin Books

Last night Leigh and I drove up to Austin to attend a fundraiser for the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund. The CBLDF helps protect the first amendment rights of comic books creators who don’t have the financial means to incur the legal costs which censorship battles usually require. You can read more about them here. […]

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links for 2006-02-03 I JUST WANNA RIDE SPACE MOUNTAIN!!!!!!!! Disneyland Hong Kong is the happiest place on earth, and by happiest I mean “f’in craziest.” Link takes you to a video showing Chinese people vaulting over wrought iron fences and throwing their children over locked gates in an attempt to meet Mickey. Text msg your […]

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