A Stupid Analogy

In reference to the Robert Gates’ assessment of Iraq, Peter David, a sci-fi and comic author, recently wrote on his blog, “Much is also being made of Gates candidly stating that the United States is not winning the war in Iraq. However, I don’t think he actually said we’re *losing* it. It reminds me of Otto in “A Fish Called Wanda” declaring that we didn’t lose Vietnam, angrily claiming, ”˜It was a tie’.”

That got me thinkin’””sure, Otto’s comment about us “tying” in Vietnam is a pretty good analogy to how some people are trying to frame our situation in Iraq.

But is that the only analogy we can tease out of Otto? Let’s find out, shall we? Watch my little Otto-compilation:

Hmmm. What did we learn from that?

Let’s see”¦Otto’s narcissistic, xenophobic, obnoxiously arrogant, and he harbors the mistaken notion that quippy catchphrases and the mere ownership of books equals intelligence. He also refuses to accept failure, he blatantly disregards the customs and social idiosyncrasies of other nations, and he cannot take criticism from anyone without becoming a complete asshole.

Nope. I guess I was wrong. That doesn’t sound like anyone else.

Categories: Jackassery, Politics | 1 Comment

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One thought on “A Stupid Analogy

  1. This is in my top 10 movies, ya know 🙂 “I’ve worn DRESSES with higher IQs!”

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