Monthly Archives: June 2007

Eddie Izzard Is The Dog’s Bollocks

We saw “Ocean’s Thirteen” today. It was far better than “Twelve,” but not near as good as “Eleven.” The two redeeming qualities of “Thirteen” were the return to Las Vegas, and the additional screen-time for Eddie Izzard. For my money, you just can’t have enough Eddie Izzard.

Categories: Movies | Leave a comment

links for 2007-06-12

If I am elected president– by Chuck Norris “Expose the real WMDs–my fists and feet.” “Give a tax credit to anyone naming their children Walker or Texas Ranger (excluding Will Ferrell).” The Best MySpace Page EVER! Butts Charged With Stealing Toliet Paper- via Washington Times Will the Beavis in me never die? … … … […]

Categories: Daily Link Dump | Leave a comment

Never Let Me Go: Section One

I have three things I’d like to throw out there to begin our discussion, but please, feel free to discuss anything that interests you. These are simply the three things that interested me the most. Let’s begin with Kathy’s narration. First, she’s addressing the reader directly via the second person, which not only creates a […]

Categories: Reading Group | 13 Comments

Discussion Day

I’ll publish my post covering the first section of Never Let Me Go Monday night. Until then, I’d like to hear your thoughts. Whatta ya think?

Categories: Reading Group | 9 Comments


We’ve pretty much finished moving, aside from some random stuff at our old apartment that I’m currently procrastinating in packing. Time Warner just got our internets working today, so bloggery should resume with its moronic regularity. I do apologize for the downtime. I know you’ve missed me, and I sure missed you all. We’ll have […]

Categories: Blogging, Reading Group | 1 Comment

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