Monthly Archives: October 2006

Public Service Announcment

This is very simple. Despite what some people would like you to think, homosexuality does not equal pedophilia or statutory rape, nor does drunkenness cause either one of them. Additionally, asking a sixteen year old boy for a goodnight kiss, after having prompted him to measure his erect penis, is more than a “naughty” exchange. […]

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links for 2006-10-03

Deleted Scenes From The New “Borat” Movie If the deleted scenes are this funny I can’t wait for the actual movie. Colliding With Death at 37,000 Feet, and Living – via New York Times This is why I’m scared to fly. And don’t give me a bunch of shit about how driving is more dangerous […]

Categories: Daily Link Dump | 4 Comments

The Media Should Be Ashamed

I’d just like to take a moment to admonish all the other bloggers out there for making jokes that equate Rep. Mark Foley with Catholic Priests or Michael Jackson. SHAME ON YOU!! Really”¦just grow up people. Act your damn age. The priest jokes were funny for about ten minutes, but now they just display an […]

Categories: Jackassery, Politics | Leave a comment

What Is TV?

Categories: T.V. | Leave a comment

links for 2006-10-01

When Magic Tricks Go Wrong- via YouTube Illusions. These are illusions; tricks are what whores do for money. Political Cortex: The Constitution of the United States 2.0

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