Monthly Archives: October 2006

links for 2006-10-16

Movie Blunders Some pretty neat pictures on this page, although I think one or two of them might be photoshopped, but I know for sure that some of them isn’t. I’m lookin’ at you Mr. Stormtrooper.

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Miss Me?

I’ll publish an actual post on Monday night. I’ve been preparing mid-term grades and haven’t had time for anything else. Until then, please take this opportunity to enjoy the video for Loreena McKennitt’s “The Mummer’s Dance.” As the hot summer days give way to the inevitability of fall’s embrace, this is the type of music […]

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Don’t Make Me Throw My Snorkel

I’m tired. I started writing a post about radical Islam, but it will have to wait until tomorrow. Please postpone the fatwa requiring my execution until then.

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Socratic Method My Ass

I’m sure that anyone who’s ever done any kind of public speaking or teaching already knows this, but different groups of people exude different levels and types of energy. When I started this semester I naively thought that a class was a class was a class. That ain’t the case. All classes posses a unique […]

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Top Referrer for Colbert

I just noticed that the website for Stephen Colbert’s book Alpha Squad 7: Lady Nocturne: A Tek Jansen Adventure lists me as a top referrer. That means that Hyperliterature forwards enough readers to the Tek Jansen page that they felt obliged to credit me. How cool is that? Colbert occasionally references this book on the […]

Categories: Blogging, T.V. | 5 Comments

Meth Addicts Ruin Everything

I think I’ve already bitched about Texas’s idiotic decision to place all medicines containing pseudoephedrine behind the counter at the drugstore. This pisses me off. They do this under the mistaken assumption that by making medications that contain pseudoephedrine difficult to obtain that the number of people who buy them for the nefarious purpose of […]

Categories: Jackassery | 3 Comments


Wow. It’s an opportune time to be a pedophile, isn’t it? Oh, excuse me, an epheophile. Or drunk. Whatever. No matter what name you give it, getting turned on by the forbidden fruit of adolescence has never been more in vogue. Well, okay, maybe in Thailand, but certainly not in the United States. Don’t believe […]

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links for 2006-10-05

The Trailer for “300” This movie is based on Frank Miller’s graphic novel, and is directed by the guy that filmed the remake of “Dawn of the Dead.” It looks amazing. Watch the Hi-Def version if your computer can handle it.

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Get Off The Couch

You remember all those anti-marijuana ads we used to see? This is your brain, and all that other nonsense? Well, the government department that produces those ads, the Office of Drug Control Policy, has begun to change their tactics after discovering that those fear-based ads actually increased drug use. Here’s their new attempt to dissuade […]

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links for 2006-10-04

Famous Last Words These are all pretty high-falutin’. In Texas the most popular last words are, “Hold my beer and watch this!”

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