Monthly Archives: February 2006
So A Muslim Cleric Walks Into A Bar…
Yesterday while running on the treadmill at the gym*, I watched a report on CNN about the riots which have ensued over the cartoon images of Muhammad. From what I understand the cartoonists knew they were setting themselves up for a backlash from the Muslim community because they were deliberately antagonizing them, but I’m pretty […]
links for 2006-02-09 Stephen Colbert in Newsweek I’m not a fan of facts,” he intoned. “You see, facts can change, but my opinion will never change, no matter what the facts are.” ABC News: Woman Accused of Mailing Condom Explosives “They each contained a mixture of drain-cleaning detergent and gasoline, which could explode when combined.” […]
Peek-A-Boo! I See You!
The New York City specific blog “Cityrag” recently published two photos they have categorized as “candid glances.” In them, celebrities are caught by photo togs glancing at other folks inappropriately. See Matthew Broderick leer lasciviously at Jessica Alba, and take a peep at Jessica Alba’s revulsion at a bodybuilder and his fanny pack. Those photos […]
At The Movies
I realize my last post was rather long, and shockingly enough not even remotely funny, so I’m chasing it with this one. As I stated previously we saw “Capote” tonight, and after the movie ended I realized something fairly important about myself: I hate people. Not all people mind you, just the people in theaters […]
Maniuplation of Narrative
In light of all the controversy over James Frey’s book I was reminded tonight of another author who embellished real-life events in a “nonfiction novel:” Truman Capote. We saw “Capote” tonight and I was completely blown away by the movie, and more specifically Hoffman’s performance as Capote, but sitting there in the theater I couldn’t […]
links for 2006-02-08 “The Day the Saucers Came” by Neil Gaiman It’s a poem by Gaiman, just click on it already. Cartoon Debate – The case for mocking religion. By Christopher Hitchens Sometimes I hate Hitchens and sometimes I love’em. This is falls under the “love’em” category. Rolling Stones Decry Super Bowl Censorship It’s a […]
Helpful Advice From Hyperliterature
Have you ever said something rude to someone and in disbelief they replied with “what?” People usually do that to assure themselves that someone has just crossed the line of civility so they can respond in kind. Many people will back off and retreat from a “what,” by either mumbling a lame apology or changing […]
links for 2006-02-07 You Stay Classy Iraq Ron Burgandy sends his regards.
Big Brother
Tonight when I sat down to write I was all set to publish a scathing post about the wiretapping scandal which looms over the Bush administration like a buzzard circling over roadkill, when a Google search halted me in my already cynical tracks. I use Google image search to find images related to my posts, […]
Mark A.: Character
While noodling with the template for the blog this afternoon (don’t ask how it’s going) I noticed my post statistic in my Blogger dashboard: Not counting this one, I’ve posted 424 times since November 2004 when I first began this blog. Oh how it’s changed. I’m not masochistic enough to link to my first post, […]