Monthly Archives: February 2006
links for 2006-02-19 Woman’s Arm Severed In Car Accident “Her arm was found near the accident still clutching a cell phone.” Do you think that by laughing at that I’ve assured my descent into Hell when I die? Porn Stars, Sex Toys Part of Yale Program That article would send the administration of my collegiate […]
Truth VS Truthiness
Some of you may have noticed that sporadically I change the quote at the top of the page. The current quote reads: “God offers to everyone his choice between truth and repose. Take which you please–you can never have both””Ralph Waldo Emerson.” I have a sneaking suspicion I’ll let this one stay for quite a […]
links for 2006-02-18 What’s for dinner at Guo-li-zhuang? Animal penises (peni?) and lots of them. “For beginners, Miss Zhu recommended the hotpot, which offers a sampling of what the restaurant has to offer – six types of penis, and four of testicle, boiled in chicken stock by the waitress.” Tom Cruise on Oprah: The Way […]
links for 2006-02-17 “May I take your coat sir?” “No, thank you, but you can take Buddy’s leash.” Restaurants in Austin petition the city to alllow dogs in outdoor seating areas. One restaurant owner has doubts:”How do we know that our service is not going to touch the dog and touch a place the dog […]
I Am The Blogging Tsar
Rupert Murdoch, whose media conglomerate News Corp recently acquired MySpace, recently announced his intention to appoint a “Safety Czar” to oversee the nefarious goings-on over at MySpace. Read the article here. I poked fun at the ridiculous self-photos of MySpace users several posts ago, but for those who haven’t heard of it, MySpace is basically […]
links for 2006-02-16 Harry Whittington’s Blog “If had to do it all over again, I don’t know if I would have been such a big fundraiser for Republicans. In fact, I might have raised some money for the Democrats. Am I better off now than I was under Clinton? I’d have to say the answer […]
I’d Make the Kessel Run in Less Than Twelve Parsecs
I don’t know why I keep taking these silly quizzes. I’m like a teenage girl in a bad relationship with a subscription to Cosmo. Ah well. Here’s what I got in the “Which Sci-Fi Crew Would You Best Fit In?” You scored as Millennium Falcon (Star Wars). The world around you is at war. Fortunately […]
The Early Hours Bring Out The Weirdness
Sometimes late at night I like to explore the blogosphere via the “Next Blog” button at the top of the page. That button is the internet equivalent of a ticket to the carnival”¦you’ll probably enjoy yourself immensely, but only after you become acclimated to all the freaks. I’ve found one recurring motif that connects all […]
Olympians Assemble!!!
Late last night I posted an idea for spicing up the Olympics and making them more exciting to watch. After re-reading the post in the light of day I realize my idea seems a little”¦well”¦sleazy, if you will. So in response to myself I’ve come up with another idea which I think will appeal not […]
links for 2006-02-15 Cheney’s got a gun Will these Cheney jokes get old? I imagine, but not just yet. Obsessive-Compulsive Valentines. Yes I know that Valentine’s Day was yesterday, but these were way too good to pass up. The Top Ten Sci-Fi Films That Never Existed Some interesting thoughts about films that never got made. […]