Monthly Archives: November 2005

Games To Pass the Time and Maintain Sanity

As my M.A. exam looms closer and closer I’ve discovered that my attention span has begun to get shorter and shorter, so that I have to take longer breaks at more frequent intervals. I’ve also found that playing video games during my breaks helps to alleviate some of the stress and makes it easier to […]

Categories: Texaspecific | 1 Comment

Finally, A Medication For Everything Else

Panexa. Ask your doctor for a reason to take it.

Categories: Texaspecific | 1 Comment

Star Wars Post

Just in case the content of my blog hasn’t clued you into this fact, let me state quite straight forwardly that nerds love to critically examine popular culture. We talk about it; we argue about it; we insult each other over it. The best way I can sum up how the typical nerd views the […]

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Google Print…the Presursor of Sentience

Skynet”¦umm, I mean Google, has added a new search protocol called “Google Print” to its already impressive arsenal. What does “Google Print” do? Oh, not much, really. It merely boasts the capability of searching the complete text of over 10,000 books. Oh, and when your search results are returned it provides you with a scanned […]

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You Know What Really Grinds My Gears?

Oh good. Another prison abuse scandal. That’s just what we need to boost morale and improve our waning confidence in the government. An article released by the Washington Post today claims the CIA has several prisons dubbed “black sites” where they are holding the higher ranking al Qaeda operatives indefinitely. Up until now neither the […]

Categories: Texaspecific | 1 Comment

No, I Wasn’t Sleeping…I Was Meditating!

With less than a week to go before I take my M.A. exam, I feel like I’m constantly in that weird, lethargic state you feel right before you fall asleep; kind of tired and sleepy and you’re never really sure if your sight has become gauzy because you’re almost asleep, or if you’ve already entered […]

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