Monthly Archives: November 2005
I’ve spoken before about the inherent nerdiness of bloggers, and a story today reminded me just how much we nerds hold it against one of our own if they try to ascend the social ladder. For the past three days blogger “Dawn Yang” has been one of the most talked about people on the blogs. […]
Angel Sex and Hidden Love
I was talking with some friends last Thursday night about the hot angel sex Raphel describes to Adam in book 8 of Paradise Lost and”¦wait, you didn’t know hot angel sex was discussed in Paradise Lost? You thought Milton was an old fuddy-duddy who never wrote anything titillating? You’re definitely wrong, and unfortunately you’re missing […]
Mobile Blog
I’m away from my computer so bloggery may slow down a little till Sunday. I know some of you may find this little separation tough, but just look at our time apart as a way for your heart to grow fonder towards me.
I passed my M.A. exam!! I’m so damn happy. Now unless I royally screw up the two classes I’m taking I’ll proudly receive my M.A. in English in December.
Many years ago when I took a journalism class one of the things I remember learning was that the most vocal and impassioned voices heard in the media usually come from minority groups, and centrists don’t usually become the focus of news stories. The theory was that the folks who were repressed or marginalized usually […]
The Freakin’ FCC
I’m sick and tired of the FCC haphazardly and indiscriminately regulating our television programs. We don’t even get to elect the puritanical nit-wits who censor our favorite shows. Do you even know how the FCC investigates claims of indecency? They only begin an investigation if someone writes a piece of snail mail, not email, to […]
Sex Sex Sex…But Not Really
Broadcast and Cable recently published a report conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation which claims that since 1998 sex scenes in television shows have more than doubled. That’s 5 sex scenes an hour. Yahoo has also picked up the story. For a minute I thought “Dammit”¦I’m watching the wrong television shows and the wrong stations!” […]
A Writer Writes…Always
Scott Adams published a funny little post about writer’s block over at his immensely entertaining blog. Scott says that people frequently ask him if he ever gets writer’s block, and he says the question they should be asking him is how do you get past writer’s block? I’m particularly fond of this quote taken from […]
Former Artistic Aspirations
I took the written portion of my M.A. exam today. I am both relieved and simultaneously terrified, because not only am I worried about how I did today, but I also have to worry about the oral portion which I take on Friday. But enough of that. I’ve got a silly story to tell and […]
Countdown to Extinction
Technically it’s already Monday, but since I’ve yet to go to sleep my internal clock still thinks its Sunday, which means I’ve got a little less than twelve hours before I sit down to take the written portion of my M.A. exam. Thankfully, I’ve moved past the nervous stage and am currently holding strong in […]