Monthly Archives: November 2005
Liberating Cheney
On November 22 during a live speech by Dick Cheney CNN experienced a graphical malfunction. For just a moment viewers saw this image on their screen:Here’s the link to The Drudge Report that has some quotes from CNN explaining what happened, but I’ll save you the time and explain it here. On linear and non-linear […]
Time Waster
I waste so much time playing with stupid little games like this.
Nothing To Be Done, Butt-munch
There are a handful of television shows and movies I will forever associate with what Douglas Coupland called “Generation X.” For example, “Slacker” and “Clerks” are two movies that completely capture the Gen-X attitude and experience. As for television shows, I’d be hard-pressed to propose a better example of the Gen-X zeitgeist than “Beavis and […]
Stone Age
Leigh and I are in Waco visiting my parents, which forces me to use their slow-as-molasses Internet connection. They have Starband satellite internet, but don’t let the coolness factor of the satellite fool you…I could just as quickly walk to the Blogger offices, where ever they’re located, and hand the receptionist a hard copy of […]
Inadvertent Hilarity
Mark Geigel has the coolest license plate ever. Check it out:The funniest thing about that license plate is that it is not a vanity plate; it was randomly selected by the Florida DMV. Read the Smoking Gun article for the fully story.
Go To Hell Sony
I think everyone’s pretty much heard about this by now, I know I’ve been following it on BoingBoing and other forums for several weeks, but if you have attempted to rip any audio CD made by Sony or BGM you may have unintentionally installed a particularly nasty spyware program. If you only read article about […]
Just Get to Work
While staring into space to avoid completing an annotated bibliography which is due tomorrow, I experienced a brief flash of genius followed immediately by the realization that I’m not a genius at all, but a procrastinating dummy who should finish his work. I’ll explain. I was staring at bibliographic citations on my computer screen hoping […]
What Obsolete Skill Are You?
Take this little quiz and find out what obsolete skill best represents you. Kind of fun, but some of the questions need better answer choices. I’m happy with my results, but I don’t think the author really understood what “stoic” means. Here’s my results: You are ‘Latin’. Even among obsolete skills, the tongue of the […]
I Should’a Been Working
Instead of doing any kind of productive work tonight I stayed up and watched Bravo’s 100 Years 100 Movie Quotes. Somewhat predictably, Clark Gable’s “Frankly my dear I don’t give a damn” took the number one spot. I don’t disagree with that choice, but a list like that is extremely subjective, and while I can […]
Late Night Musings
For some inexplicable reason the past few weeks I’ve been obsessed with “The Lady of Shalott” by Tennyson. I love the way Tennyson manages to create the sense of the pastoral and the elegiac simultaneously in the poem: The beauty of Camelot; the isolation of Shalott; the Platonic notions of reality; the agency to overcome […]