links for 2006-03-10

Categories: Blogspot Post | 1 Comment

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One thought on “114202552412151462

  1. leigh

    the laughing babies are kind of creepy. the captioning said quintuplet, but i only saw four. maybe the other cabbage patch kids ate the fifth one…

    once again i find out a nerdy fact about you that i did not previously know. however, that does explain why you wanted “the touch” to be our first dance at the wedding reception…

    the actual act of eating the pancake was not that bad, but when he proceeded to wipe the butter off his face and then suck on his fingers is when i became sickened…

    as for the crop circle, that is just some nerd with too much land and free time on his hands…

    i really enjoyed the monty python video, but i did miss the presence of john cleese and eric idle. also, i am kind of embarrassed that some texan gave michael palin a stuffed armadillo…

    the sushi video was very entertaining as well. those damn australians will fall for anything. at least here in the states, we don’t sit on the floor or take off our shoes…not in texas anyway. speaking of sushi, we should go to sushi zushi tonight…

    finally, the you’ve got mail scene…i don’t think i need to elaborate anymore after the transformer comment above…

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